Everyone Has Back Pain (8754)
Like other books in the Adriaan Louw series, Everyone Has Back Pain is based on research indicating you'll feel less pain, move better, exercise longer and experience more success with therapy when understanding what pain actually is and how it works in the body.
The book, written for people of all ages who experience back pain, examines some of the typical myths that exist about this common condition and provides simple strategies for lessening the pain.
Written by clinical neuroscience researcher Adriaan Louw, along with co-authors Timothy Flynn and Emilio Puentedura.
Illustrated. Spiral-bound softcover; 94 pages.
The book, written for people of all ages who experience back pain, examines some of the typical myths that exist about this common condition and provides simple strategies for lessening the pain.
Written by clinical neuroscience researcher Adriaan Louw, along with co-authors Timothy Flynn and Emilio Puentedura.
Illustrated. Spiral-bound softcover; 94 pages.